I’m very enthusiastic about automation and standardized processes. The more boilerplate something can be, the happier I am. So when it came time to set up my own infrastructure, I had some choices to make, and Nuclear Family LLC is limited in terms of cash flow while we’re developing our product. Being very familiar with…
Author: administrator
Searching for Good Books There's no substitute for the real thing...
I’ve been buying comic books in a collected format for decades. Dollars to cents, it has been the finest way to buy all the issues in a series or event you want. However, an increasing number of publishers are printing their collections in fragments. For example, the “Metal” event at DC Comics is printed in…
Late evening musings…
It’s been a really long time since I maintained any sort of blog. I used to host one at ronhuggins dot com, but that domain has long slipped into the mists of time and fallen out of my control. Funny thing is, I didn’t want it at first; aaronhuggins.com was taken by a really nice…